Sunday, October 7, 2012

Who I am reading and why - part 2 (house & home edition)

Big news!  I'm...such a...girl.  Yes, I read some blogs because they speak to that feminine need to "feather the nest," so to speak.  Here are a few of my favorite domestic idea-crafters:

Rachel Meeks has mastered the mantra, "Simplify, simplify, simplify."  In her Small Notebook blog, she shares insights for bringing simplicity to the heart and home.  As a wife and mother of young children, her goal is to share the peace her family has found through identifying what is truly important (in relationships, budgets, possessions, etc.) and letting go of as much of the rest as possible.  When I gather enough courage, I will attempt her "No-Spend Month" challenge.  On another note, whenever I consider a new piece of clothing, I remember her advice about choosing to purchase only a few truly beautiful, well-made items that will last for years rather than spending money on many, lower-quality garments.  (Unlike others who give out this tip, I believe Rachel actually follows her own advice.)  Check out all of Rachel's ideas at

Ladies, if you've ever wondered what it's like to be an Irish dairy farmer's wife (and who hasn't?), Imen's "I Married an Irish Farmer" blog will fill you in quickly...and leave you wishing to be her neighbor and tea-time visitor.  Imen worked in big-city America as an ad executive until she met a charming Irish farmer who was visiting the States.  They hit it off and ended up returning to his Irish farm.  The rest is history and has been very neatly recorded in her posts.  Many of these posts have to do with the lovely foods she creates in her farmhouse kitchen--sometimes gourmet and unique, sometimes traditional and simple, but always with a distinctly Irish flavor.  Her photography is gorgeous as well.  You may visit her farm and home at

April Swiger keeps a journal of her life as a Pittsburgh-area worship pastor's wife.  I first found her blog when I was researching, of all things, B&Bs in New York.  She wrote a lovely piece about an anniversary trip to the Chautauqua region, and featured the Brick House B&B (Westfield, NY) prominently in the post.  Her description sold us on staying there ourselves, and it is now one of my family's favorite destinations.  She writes for her friends and family, is a committed DIYer, and shares her projects--as well as delicious recipes--on her site.  Most intriguing is her belief that her ministry is to her church and husband.  She works part time at her church, but she is primarily a stay-at-home wife (what is that again?).  The Swigers are currently awaiting God's timing on adopting their first child, and I've enjoyed praying with them through their journey.  April's journal can be accessed at   

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