Saturday, November 10, 2012

Who I am reading and why - part 3 (alma mater edition)

After a few busy weeks, I'm getting back into the swing of things with my little on-again, off-again blog.  As promised, I'm sharing about a few of the blogs I enjoy as a series of posts.  Of course, this wouldn't be much of a series if I left off after only two entries on this topic!  So, here's the third installment:

My alma mater, Lancaster Bible College, has produced several interesting bloggers.  I'm following all of the ones I know about, which is likely only a small percentage of them.  (Readers, please let me know who I am missing!)

My friend, Jessica Weleski, chairs the Arts & Sciences department at LBC, and she chronicles her daily experiences in her humorous, heartfelt blog.  She's held this leadership position at the college for several years, despite her youth.  She's a genuinely lovely gal who graduated at the top of our class.  She has channeled her love of learning into a successful teaching career, where she guides students into the ways of faith and correct grammar.  As the daughter of a teacher, I just love her classroom stories!  On the side, she is working to renovate her vintage home while defending it against all sorts of wildlife, with her faithful sidekicks, Deogi and Gretel, always at the ready.  Most posts read like a humorous short story, though she allows herself to be honest about the hard parts of life as well.  Those interested in both compositions and opossums should check out   

One of my life's greatest blessings was my time spent in my college theology classes.  LBC's Bible/theology professors are top notch, and one of the most memorable from my day was Dr. James McGahey.  While he is no longer teaching at the college, it is no surprise that "Doc," a learned and lettered man, is utilizing this venue for sharing his scholarly writing and research.  A proud Philadelphian, his blog covers the City of Brotherly Love, Pauline theology, church polity, Bruce Springsteen, and baseball...among other topics.  Sometimes, these subjects bleed into one another in the same post, so you know you're bound for a good read.  Caution:  This guy loves a little (or a lot) of controversy every now and again (or nearly every day, as I know he'll readily admit), so read his posts when you have time to ponder the depth of his topics.  Make sure to keep an open mind and a sense of humor...and be ready to defend your point of view if it differs from his.  He loves a good, logical argument, and you can find his points of view at

Blogging has become a way to keep family and friends updated when things are going well...and when they're not.  My classmate, Josh Mott, has a brain tumor and has experienced all types of treatments in the pursuit of a cure.  Josh is a couple of years or so younger than me, and he has a young family, so I found his diagnosis heartbreaking and unbelievable.  He is a man of great faith, and his family exhibits such amazing grace and fortitude that I am frequently overcome with praise to the Lord who is sustaining them so faithfully.  Josh's wife, Kristin, updates their family blog on occasion, and I marvel at the maturity of her words and faith.  She's an excellent writer, and I believe the Lord has gifted her with this so she can share the good news of the Gospel that she and Josh are so passionate about, even in the midst of this present trial.  More of the Mott Family story may be read at

Finally, I ran across a blog that has no direct link to my time at LBC, but it does put me in mind of the mandatory two semesters of Biblical Hermeneutics classes I took in my freshman year.  That was fantastic training for the rest of my life, and I am grateful for the time I spent under Dr. John Soden's teaching.  In the Preaching with Greater Accuracy posts,  Pastor Randal Emery Pelton "attempts to show how hermeneutics affects the development of sermons. Preaching portions have ways of displaying theology which, in turn, creates relevant messages for the Church. The entries may provide direction for preaching a particular Text and also equip you to handle other Texts that present theology in similar ways. Those interested in Christ-centered preaching will observe numerous ways in which the Gospel fleshes out the interpretation and application of Scripture."  (Quote taken from the blog itself.)  I don't remember how I found this blog and I don't read the posts as often as I'd like, but I enjoy having posts like these at my fingertips just to stay in touch with hermeneutical concepts.  I believe it would be a great resource for teaching pastors, and it can be located at  

I'm also following a number of personal friends:

BJ Martin at
Lindsay Spreadbury at
Andrew "Puffy" Pederson at
Jennifer Story at
Steve "Scuba" Grusendorf at

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Encourage him (Deuteronomy 1:38) – c.h. spurgeon

God employs his people to encourage one another.

He did not say to an angel, “Gabriel, my servant Joshua is about to lead my people into Canaan—go, encourage him.”

God never works needless miracles;
     if his purposes can be accomplished by ordinary means,
          he will not use miraculous agency.

Gabriel would not have been half so well fitted for the work as Moses.
A brother's sympathy is more precious than an angel's embassy.

The angel, swift of wing, had...
     never experienced the hardness of the road,
          nor seen the fiery serpents,
     nor had he led the stiff-necked multitude in the wilderness as Moses had done.

We should be glad that God usually works for man by man.
     It forms a bond of brotherhood,
          and being mutually dependent on one another,
               we are fused more completely into one family.

Brethren, take the text as God's message to you.

Labor to help others,
and especially strive
to encourage them.

When you find a spark of grace in the heart,
kneel down and blow it into a flame.

Leave the young believer to discover the roughness of the road by degrees,
      but tell him of the strength which dwells in God,
          of the sureness of the promise,
               and of the charms of communion with Christ.

Aim to comfort the sorrowful, and to animate the desponding.

Speak a word in season to him that is weary, and encourage those who are fearful to go on their way with gladness.

encourages you by his promises;
encourages you as he points to the heaven he has won for you,
and the Spirit
encourages you as he works in you to will and to do of his own will and pleasure.

Imitate divine wisdom,
     and encourage others,
according to the word of this evening.

As Moses said, “The Lord…said, ‘You shall not enter [the Promised Land].  But, your assistant, Joshua son of Nun, will enter it.  Encourage him, because he will lead Israel to inherit it.’”
Deuteronomy 1:37-38