Sunday, February 3, 2013

The cost...and what can we do about it

In Iran today, an American citizen is being held in a death-sentence of a prison cell.  For what?  For believing in something the State doesn't.

His story can be found here.  It made the news last week but has been all but forgotten this week.

He's a man of God.  A pastor.  Working in the country as an aid worker.

Imprisoned.  Tortured.  Beaten.  Isolated.

His family is here in the U.S.  Far from him, but near to their fear and bewilderment.  Wife.  Small children.

What is our State Department doing?  From what I can tell, they are doing this:  Nothing, or next to it.

It makes me physically ill.

I think of the sentencing process...or lack thereof.  I can't breathe.

I think of the beatings and the prison conditions.  Bile rises up in me.

I think of the lack of movement on the part of his own country's government.  My heart races, feels weak, races again.

What can I do?  If there is a petition, I will sign it.  (Signed two already.  Are there any more?)  If there is a number, I will call it.  I contacted my senator and representative already; maybe I'll start contacting other people's senators, too.  I cannot stand by and allow evil to prevail without raising my voice in the streets to say "This, this atrocity, is wrong."

The only other option I have is prayer.  It is not a last resort.  I have been there many times since I learned of this turning of events.  I find that I can be speaking of something completely unrelated and yet a Spirit-breath within my soul is near-silently beseeching for a miracle.

I asked, "How can You allow this?  How can You see one of Your own suffer?"  I was reminded of the Apostle Paul, a citizen of Rome, then the most powerful nation on earth.  For the sake of Christ and His work, the status of citizen only goes so far.  At some point, a higher allegiance means laying down the rights of self and birth and legal position and taking up the physical cross of Christ.

Bearing His wounds in our bodies, we submit to the sacrifice of following in His footsteps.

As I asked Why?, the whisper came to my heart:  "He is in the right place at the right time."  I believe this is true, though I don't understand.

I pray for strength and protection for him.  I pray for grace for his family.  I pray for a swift restoration to safety and home.

I pray that Jesus will walk around him,
visit him,
walk the halls of the prison and minister to those within the walls.

Most of all, I pray that The Work will be done through this Pastor.  For the person or event that he is to impact in the right place at the right time, I pray for clarity of purpose and calling.

On the one hand, we pray against the prevailing of evil, and on the other hand, we recognize the sovereignty of God and His redemptive work.

Please pray with me for God's will to be done in Iran and in all of Creation during these last days.