Saturday, April 14, 2012

An expected blessing

I shared a fantastic meal with a close friend this past week.  We had not seen each other face to face in several years, though we have kept in touch in other ways. 

It was easy to pick up where we left off as if no time had passed.
Good friendships are like that.

She can ask me the hard questions, and she can tell me the truth about herself and about me. 

I trust her—we’ve been friends for 15 years.  

Prayed together.
Laughed together.
Cried together.

Talked a lot over those years.  A whole lot.  (We’re both talkers.)

We’ve been trying to catch up with each other for months and always found ourselves busy and overscheduled.  This reunion was an unexpected, last-minute assembly.
However, it was also an expected blessing.  We knew it would turn out well.  We just had to be in the same place at the same time.  Years of understanding each other would take over from that point.

In the course of our conversation, she shared how glad she was to have this opportunity to chat.  She’s like me—left only to our own thoughts and concerns, we can focus on our challenges and disappointments.

We become discouraged.

But an amazing phenomenon happens when we’re together. 

We talk about the trials and troubles, and we gain perspective.  In explaining our situations, we are able to realize that we’ve become myopic.


We’re not exactly standing firmly on our faith.

And we recognize we’re in the same boat!

Different stressors.
Same God.
Same wise, faithful, loving, sovereign, kind, omnipotent God.

I should know this by heart by now—after all, I became a Believer at the age of four.  I was raised in church.  My degree is in music ministry from a Bible college.  But sometimes I am distracted from what I know about God and His wisdom until a sister comes alongside to…well, truthfully…to rescue me. 

We learn from each other.  We help to reframe our circumstances in light of faith.  We walk away refreshed.


Reminded that we are loved by an awesome God and that we are playing a minute but necessary role in His redemptive plan for all of Creation.

I find the same happens in church. 

It’s as if we come in as individuals carrying burdens.

But we walk out knowing once again that we are bound together by the provision of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Brother.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit to assist each other.
Given encouragement so we may encourage another.
Learning from our own suffering that we may be merciful and compassionate toward our neighbor.

Hebrews 10:25 exhorts us not to give up meeting together, but to encourage one another. 

Church is not about going through all of the correct, holy motions at all of the correct, holy moments.
It’s foremost about God.
Then, it’s about ministry to others.

We are refreshed as we refresh others (Proverbs 11:25).

How can we speak into—pour into—the lives of our neighbors?  How can we help to reframe every frustration (and victory!) into faith-filled, God-honoring reflections?

Church, please!  Let us make way for these expected blessings!

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